《國際泥沙研究(英文版)》(International Journal of Sediment Research (IJSR) )(季刊)創(chuàng)刊于1986年,由國際泥沙研究培訓中心主辦的英文版期刊。自2007起成為SCI源刊,被SCI—E收錄。
related to geography, geomorphology, soil erosion, sediment yield, soil conservation, environmental and ecological impacts of sedimentation, social and economic effects of sedimentation and its assessment
1. Manuscript
Original papers should be submitted in triplicate to the Editorial Board of the Journal. Only original papers will be accepted, and copyright of published papers will be vested with the publisher. English is used in the International Journal of Sediment Research. It is desirable to submit the paper in a disk, processed in Microsoft word or Word perfect.
2. Text
Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced with wide margin on one side of the paper. Normally contributions should not exceed 10,000 word-equivalent and short notes 5,000 words (figure legends included). Authors names and page numbers should be written on all sheets of the manuscript and illustrations.
Mathematical symbols may be either typewritten or printed carefully. Greek letters and unusual symbols should be identified separately in the margin. The letter symbols used should be defined where they first appear in figures, tables or text.
3. Title
The title should be brief. The authors'' names should be typed on the line below the title, the present employment should be typed on the footnote.
4. Abstract
The body of manuscript should be preceded by abstract with the maximum length of 300 words for a full length article. It should be intelligible in itself without depending on references cited. A list of key words should be provided by the authors.
5. Illustrations and Figures
Good glossy print (or original negatives) should accompany the manuscript and should not be attached to the manuscript paper. Photographs should be enlarged sufficiently to permit clear reproduction in half-tone after reduction.Figures should be drawn in black ink on tracing material which does not stretch.
Drawings should be about twice final reproduction. The final size of lettering should be no smaller than 1.5 mm high.
Figure legends should be typed on a separate sheet and placed at the end of the manuscript.
International System units should be used throughout the paper.
6. Tables
Tables should be numbered consecutively and titled. All table columns should have an explanation of each table and contents of table must appear in the text.
7. References
All references should be arranged in alphabetical order of the author''s names and grouped together in the end of the paper. An example of reference is given as follows:
Chien Ning. 1985, Changes in river regime after the construction of upstream reservoirs. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Vol. 10, pp. 15-22.
Book references should be given as follows:
Blench T. 1969, Mobile-bed fluviology, The University of Alberta Press.
8. Discussions and Closure
Discussion of a paper is open to anyone who has significant comments or questions regarding the content of the paper. Submissions of discussions should be made not later than twelve months following the publication of a paper. They should be sent to the Editorial Board.
When there is a discussion of paper, its authors is requested to submit a closure, which may include comments on discussers'' remarks and clarification of questions raised.
9. Reprints
Thirty reprints of each paper will be provided free-of-charge. Additional copies in multiples of a hundred may be ordered separately.
書好,雜志之家還送了禮物,謝謝雜志之家。以后會再光顧的。謝謝客服的書 希望這一年的合作愉快 明年繼續(xù)必須說,包裝很好很用心。書很好,雜志之家很細心,包裝很嚴實,一點褶皺都沒有。好評!
對文章的審查比較仔細,International Journal of Sediment Research的審稿人都能給出有價值的意見。編輯的態(tài)度比較好,該雜志在領域中不是最好的,但也算不錯的刊物。審稿專家的意見比較中肯,整個審理過程的效率在國內(nèi)刊物中屬于較好的。
審稿速度還是挺快的,感覺自己還是比較幸運的,International Journal of Sediment Research從投稿到給錄用通知不到2個月時間,一個字贊,小修后也很快錄用,編輯態(tài)度挺好投稿處理時間,流程清晰,反饋及時,校樣非常詳細認真,受益匪淺。
投了一篇related to geography。專家意見很中肯,按要求修改后返回專家再審,然后錄用,總的來說期刊水平還可以,編輯態(tài)度也很好,說錄用通知丟了,立馬又發(fā)一份過來。一個不錯的期刊
International Journal of Sediment Research雜志增強閱讀,提升寫作水平,形象生動的內(nèi)容,豐富的文章,很幫的閱讀體驗,好好學習,天天向上,很滿意,雜志之家態(tài)度太讓人感覺溫暖了,快遞也非常給力,以后會繼續(xù)關注的。
拿到書后挺驚訝,International Journal of Sediment Research雜志比想象的還要好,包裝也很嚴實,不錯。書很不錯、與描述的一樣,書都是新的,物流也很快,滿意。
International Journal of Sediment Research雜志的審稿速度還是挺給力的。編輯人非常好,超有耐心的面對我的咨詢。審稿專家的意見也非常中肯。不管是編輯還是審稿專家對文章的修改都提供了很大的幫助。非常感謝!
International Journal of Sediment Research雜志的審稿速度還是挺快的,整個過程下來不到4個月,中途修改了一次,審稿老師修改意見很是中肯,有實用價值。我就按著要求簡單改了改。相對來說挺好中,只要有創(chuàng)新點就行。
International Journal of Sediment Research雜志的審稿速度還是值得肯定的。審稿專家的意見很是中肯,非常有價值。值得說一句的是編輯老師很好,每次微博留言都及時給予回復,打電話給編輯老師態(tài)度也好,很有耐心。非常感謝哦·
International Journal of Sediment Research雜志的審稿速度相當不錯。個人感覺:雖然曾經(jīng)被拒過兩次,但仍然認為編輯很負責,也很專業(yè),提的問題也很到位。外審老師對文章分析也很透徹,給的觀點很有價值。推薦投稿!
我之前投了一篇關于soil erosion的文章。說點經(jīng)驗,該期刊的編輯審稿速度還是挺快的,對問題的細節(jié)分析很透徹。審稿老師也相當專業(yè)。該刊對文章的創(chuàng)新性和原創(chuàng)性要求很高的,值得推薦!
International Journal of Sediment Research審稿速度極快,編輯和總編辦事效率高,很負責任,外審專家也很負責,給出的意見很中肯,專家很認真負責,每點都幫你挑出來給你怎么修改的提示,修改了2.3次后被錄用。真的是一次有意義的投稿經(jīng)歷,從中學到了很多。
International Journal of Sediment Research雜志編輯態(tài)度相當好,非常認真負責,嚴謹。點贊。其次,審稿人對格式要求較高,對文章創(chuàng)新點、邏輯思維比較注重。只要質(zhì)量不錯,符合期刊投稿內(nèi)容要求,一般都會接收的。希望能幫助到大家